
Azure Custom Script Extension On Windows VM and VMSS With Logs

Sometimes it is very useful to be able to run a script on a virtual machine. Luckily, this can be achieved using Custom Script Extension. Its use cases include any...

Created, CreatedAtAction, CreatedAtRoute Methods In ASP.NET Core Explained With Examples

In this post we will discuss Created, CreatedAtAction and CreatedAtRoute methods available in ASP.NET Core controllers and, in particular, answer such questions as what it is and why it is...

Install PowerShell Module From Azure Artifacts Feed In CI/CD Pipeline

In this post we will learn how to install PowerShell module in build/release pipeline from private feed in Azure DevOps without using Personal Access Tokens (PAT). To get access to...

Fuzz Testing - Overview

Recently, I was interested in learning more about Fuzz Testing, such things as what it is, how it is used, what tools exist and how they differ between each other...

Manual Trigger In Multi-Stage YAML Pipeline - Azure DevOps

YAML pipelines in Azure Pipelines is a great functionality, however, at the time of this writing, it lacks some features. One of those is a manual trigger for a stage....