
Locks In Azure Bicep - On Resource(s), Resource Group, Subscription

Protecting production resources from an accidental deletion or modification can sometimes be a very important thing to do. This is where locks in Azure come in handy. Lock in Azure...

Nested Loops In Azure Bicep - 4 Use Cases, For-Loop, Solutions & Workarounds

Loops are one of the fundamental programming constructs which are common in many programming languages. However, Azure Bicep loops are a bit limited, and there could be some challenges in...

How To Pass Arrays and Numbers As @secure() Parameters - Azure Bicep

In ARM templates and Azure Bicep, only two types can be secure: string and object, their respective ARM template types are secureString and secureObject. In most cases, it is enough,...

Using Key Vault Secrets As Secure Parameters In Azure Bicep - Template & Module Inputs

Many cloud resources expect secret values to be passed as part of their definition or configuration to function correctly. This could be passwords, keys, connection strings, certificates, etc. Keeping these...

Learn Modules In Azure Bicep - Basics To Advanced, How It Works, Nested Modules, Outputs, Scopes

In my opinion, modules in Azure Bicep is one of the most exciting and requested features for ARM. It provides an easy and concise way to modularize your ARM templates,...

5 Ways To Deploy Bicep File With Parameters - Azure DevOps, PowerShell, CLI, Portal, Cloud Shell

After we are done with creating a Bicep file, the next question is how to deploy it to Azure. There are many ways to do it, that’s why we’ll collect...

Deploy Azure Bicep In YAML and Classic Release Pipelines (CI/CD) - Azure DevOps

After Bicep files are created, most likely we will want to use them to deploy our resources to Azure in some way. Obviously, this is the main reason why Bicep...

Create Resource Group With Azure Bicep and Deploy Resources In It

In this short post we will discuss how to deploy a resource group and (optionally) create resources inside of this resource group all during one deployment. Additionally, we cover different...

Child Resources In Azure Bicep - 3 Ways To Declare, Loops, Conditions

In this post, we will discuss child resources in Bicep, how to define them and their relationship to the parent resource, how to work with these resources in the presence...

Variables In Azure Bicep - From Basics To Advanced

In this post I wanted to gather useful information about Bicep variables and illustrate it with simple-to-understand examples. Let’s go! Variables in Azure Bicep allow specifying complex expressions that can...