5 Ways To Deploy Bicep File With Parameters - Azure DevOps, PowerShell, CLI, Portal, Cloud Shell

After we are done with creating a Bicep file, the next question is how to deploy it to Azure. There are many ways to do it, that’s why we’ll collect them in this one post (at least, most of them).

Deploying Azure Bicep files can be done in multiple ways: Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell commands, in Azure Portal via Custom Deployment functionality or Cloud Shell, as one of the steps in CI/CD pipeline (for example, Azure Pipelines). Another approach is to convert Bicep file into ARM template JSON file and use tooling for ARM templates to run a deployment.

In general, the ways we discuss below is just a variation of deploying ARM templates. In some cases, tools already have built-in support for Bicep so that they build ARM template from Bicep file for us.

NOTE: All approaches mentioned in this post are applicable to ARM templates as well. Some tools already have built-in support for Bicep, but as of July 2021, the support for ARM templates is better than for Bicep.



The main goal of this post is to equip the reader with different ways how to deploy a Bicep file.

In the first section, we are going to define a simple template that will be used in all following examples. And for the sake of completeness, we will have a parameter file as well.

The following sections are dedicated to different ways of deploying a Bicep file, each of them might be more preferable in different situations:

Sample Bicep File With Parameters

First, let’s create a sample Bicep file that we will deploy in our examples. It could be anything you want, but for this post I decided to go with a storage account as an example.

Additionally, we are going to have a simple parameter file. Read more about parameters in this post Parameters In Azure Bicep - Ultimate Guide With Examples. It covers parameters in Bicep thoroughly.

NOTE: Sample bicep file has targetScope='resourceGroup' which is the default value. If you are planning to deploy at a different scope (e.g. subscription, managementGroup, or tenant), then you need to adjust the Bicep file accordingly.

Here’s main.bicep file, note that it has one required parameter, and one optional:

// targetScope = 'resourceGroup'  -  this is default value

param storageAccountName string
param location string = resourceGroup().location

resource stg 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-04-01' = {
  name: storageAccountName
  location: location
  sku: {
    name: 'Standard_LRS'
  kind: 'StorageV2'

The parameter file main.parameters.json contains only one parameter which is required:

  "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "storageAccountName": {
      "value": "stcontoso"

Azure Portal - Custom Deployment

The first way to deploy a bicep file we will discuss is using Custom Deployment feature right in the Azure Portal. It is handy for one-time deployments and experiments.

I personally use this approach quite often, especially when writing these blog posts, it allows to quickly and easily deploy an ARM template and verify code.

1. Build Bicep File Into ARM Template

At the moment of writing, Custom deployment in Azure Portal works only with ARM templates and not Bicep files, however, this should change in the future, so it might be already available when you are reading this post.

So, we need to compile our main.bicep into a corresponding ARM template file. There are a couple of ways to do this:

As a result, we should have these three files:

2. Submit Custom Deployment

Now, we have both the compiled ARM template and the corresponding parameter file. Follow these steps to submit a deployment:

  1. Go to Custom deployment page in Azure Portal
  2. Click “Build your own template in the editor”, paste your code from main.json and save
  3. Click “Edit parameters”, paste your code from main.parameters.json and save
  4. Specify subscription, resource group and modify parameter values if needed
  5. Follow the steps to review and create a deployment

The animated image below shows how the Custom deployment page looks like and where to add your ARM template and parameter file.

Deploy from a custom template Deploy from a custom template

Azure CLI

Azure CLI versions 2.20.0 and above install Bicep as part of the CLI, so you might want to get the latest version of Azure CLI. For more details, please refer to Install and manage via Azure CLI.

Now, given both Bicep and Azure CLI, we can deploy our bicep file with parameters at a scope we need using the following commands:

Deployment Scope Azure CLI Command
Resource group az deployment group create
Subscription az deployment sub create
Management group az deployment mg create
Tenant az deployment tenant create

NOTE: targetScope of main.bicep must match the scope of the deployment, so our Bicep file should be modified if you are deploying at subscription, managementGroup, or tenant scopes.

Comments about about passing parameters:

Below is an example of deploying at the scope of a resource group. Please note that the following example uses bash language.

NOTE: Name of the deployment which is passed --name myStorageDeployment1 should be unique if we don’t want to override resource group deployment history. Sometimes losing deployment history is not acceptable, then it’s worth adding uniqueness to the deployment name.

# Create resource group if not exists
az group create \
  --name rg-bicep \
  --location westus

# Deploy 
az deployment group create \
  --name myStorageDeployment1 \
  --resource-group rg-bicep \
  --template-file main.bicep \
  --parameters @main.parameters.json \
  --parameters location='centralus'

Azure PowerShell

Setting up Bicep with Azure PowerShell is different, even though Az module versions 5.6.0 and later integrate with Bicep when deploying files with *.bicep extension, Azure PowerShell expects Bicep be already installed and available in the PATH.

So, you need to install Bicep manually, and Azure PowerShell v5.6.0+ will pick it up automatically. Read more about Bicep and Azure PowerShell

With Azure PowerShell we can also deploy at different scopes by using the following commands:

Deployment Scope Azure PowerShell Command
Resource group New-AzResourceGroupDeployment
Subscription New-AzDeployment
Management group New-AzManagementGroupDeployment
Tenant New-AzTenantDeployment

NOTE: targetScope of main.bicep must match the scope of the deployment, so our Bicep file should be modified if you are deploying at subscription, managementGroup, or tenant scopes.

Now, let’s look at an example how to deploy our Bicep file with parameters using Azure PowerShell. Note that we pass -TemplateParameterFile main.parameters.json as well as -location centralus to override location parameter.

NOTE: Name of the deployment which is passed -Name myStorageDeployment1 should be unique if we don’t want to override resource group deployment history. Sometimes losing deployment history is not acceptable, then it’s worth adding uniqueness to the deployment name.

# Create resource group if not exists
New-AzResourceGroup `
  -Name rg-bicep `
  -Location westus

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
  -Name myStorageDeployment1 `
  -ResourceGroupName rg-bicep `
  -TemplateFile main.bicep `
  -TemplateParameterFile main.parameters.json `
  -location centralus

Cloud Shell

Cloud Shell is one more convenient way to do ad-hoc deployments of Bicep files. Cloud Shell is interesting for us because it allows running both Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell commands in the Azure Portal.

Follow these steps to deploy a Bicep file with parameters:

  1. Go to Azure Portal
  2. Open Cloud Shell
  3. Select Bash or PowerShell
  4. Upload main.bicep and main.parameters.json
  5. Run commands from Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell sections depending on which language you chose in step 3

Deploy Bicep file using Cloud Shell Deploy Bicep file using Cloud Shell

CI/CD Pipeline - Azure DevOps

Last but not least, we mention deploying Bicep files (or ARM templates) using CI/CD pipeline. For production, this is usually the best approach to deploy infrastructure code since it establishes a standard way of applying changes.

Deploy Azure Bicep In YAML and Classic Release Pipelines (CI/CD) - Azure DevOps post talks about Bicep and Azure Pipelines in depth, here are some of the things covered in that post: