
Pass Parameters To Azure Function From Data Factory: Body, Query, Headers, Path

Azure Function, also known as Function App, is a popular Azure service that is part of the serverless stack. It allows you to run small pieces of code or “functions”...

3 Ways To Check If Data Exists Using ADF Data Flow - Azure Data Factory

Data pipelines are complex and often depend on data computed by other pipelines. Therefore, it is useful to have a way to automatically check whether the upstream source has the...

Dates & Timestamps In Azure Data Factory: Parsing, Formatting, Converting - Pipeline & Data Flow

Date and time information is a vital piece of any dataset, for example, when a purchase was made, when is the last time user logged in, how long a request...

PyTorch DistributedDataParallel Example In Azure ML - Multi-Node Multi-GPU Distributed Training

In this post, we will discuss how to leverage PyTorch’s DistributedDataParallel (DDP) implementation to run distributed training in Azure Machine Learning using Python SDK. There is a number of steps...

3 Ways To Check If Resource Exists In Azure Bicep

Azure Bicep and ARM templates are designed to be idempotent, this means that running a template multiple times should result in the same end state of the resources. However, there...

Storage Account SAS Tokens, Access Keys, And Connection Strings In Azure Bicep

Storage account (Azure Storage) is one of the core services in Azure. It is widely used by customers as well as other Azure services behind the scenes. Storage account comprises...

How To Copy Certificates and Secrets Between Key Vaults - Azure Bicep

Certificates and secrets are often necessary for correct functioning of an application or service. In cases, when the application/service is distributed across multiple regions or geos, we might need an...

Access Policies In Key Vault Using Azure Bicep - How To Create New, Keep Existing, Managed Identity

In this post, we will discuss key vault access policies in detail, i.e. what it is, what is it for, its schema, how to deploy, and some solutions to common...

Get URL & ID Of Key Vault And KV Secret In Azure Bicep - With Examples

In this short post, we discuss how to access URL and ID properties of a key vault or a key vault secret and then optionally return it in the template...

Key Vault & Secrets Management With Azure Bicep - Create, Reference, Output Examples

Key Vault is one of the core Azure services which comes in handy in many software solutions. It is the preferred service to manage secrets, certificates, and keys in the...